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Why You Need to Schedule Denver Sprinkler Repair Appointments A.S.A.P.

June 10, 2020

Why You Need to Schedule Denver Sprinkler Repair Appointments A.S.A.P.
You rely on your Denver sprinkler system to keep your landscaping in great condition year after year. That’s why you take the time to maintain it and schedule regular inspections with your sprinkler repair experts at least once a year. However, no matter how well you care for your system, unexpected repairs will always pop up. When they’re minor and they aren’t causing major issues, it’s tempting to put those repairs off for as long as possible. Doing so isn’t in your home’s best interest. Here’s why you should get those repairs taken care of as quickly as you can. 

You’ll See Overly High Water Bills
Minor sprinkler system leaks may not seem like a huge deal. After all, when they’re leaking into the soil around your property, the dirt itself can typically handle the excess moisture. However, even those small leaks mean you’re using more water throughout the month.

Any excess water usage will show up in your water bill. The longer those leaks go on, the more water your home will get charged for and the more money you’ll end up paying on your utilities. Even if the leak isn’t causing problems with your landscaping, you need to get it repaired as soon as possible. Doing so will help you keep your water bills low and will make it easier for you to stay on budget. 

Waiting Will Lead to Worse Damage
It’s normal for small issues to be almost unnoticeable for a long time. In fact, many homeowners wont’ know something is wrong with their sprinklers until they see an inexplicable increase on their water bill. Unfortunately, leaving those minor issues unfixed can end up causing worse damage down the line.

Any leak, no matter how large or small, represents a flaw in your sprinkler system’s piping. As the leak continues, the materials around it get weaker, increasing your risk of an unexpected failure down the line. Once that happens, you’ll be in for a time-consuming and expensive repair that can interrupt your landscaping’s growth and leave you with an underperforming yard during the height of the growing season. 

Whenever possible, get those minor issues fixed as soon as you notice them. This will preserve the lifespan of your sprinkler system, your landscaping, and your monthly maintenance budget. 

Your Foundation Will Be Threatened
Water leaking out of your sprinkler system doesn’t just soak into the dirt around the yard. It can actually spread and threaten parts of your home if the leak is severe enough. Think of it this way: your home’s foundation sits directly on the soil itself. When the soil is relatively dry, the foundation has a firm surface to sit on. This helps keep your home from shifting and ensures that the floorboards stay level. 

However, as the soil beneath your home gets saturated with water, the support beneath the foundation gets weaker. This means the full weight of your house sits on that foundation and can end up causing stress and cracks in the cement. Over time, you’ll start to see structural damage that not only threatens the look of your home, but also impacts the safety of the structure itself.

By getting your sprinkler system repaired as quickly as possible, you’ll keep your foundation in good shape for years to come. 

It Can Damage Your Landscaping
You really can have too much of a good thing and water for your landscaping is one of them. Under normal circumstances, your sprinkler system will distribute the proper amount of water to your plants to keep them growing strong. However, when the system gets damaged and more water leaks out than your plants need, it can threaten their health.

Too much moisture in the soil often causes root rot and mold to form around your plants’ root systems. When this happens, the mold hurts your plants’ ability to get the nutrients they need from the soil. Over time, they’ll start to wither and die, leaving you with a bare and unattractive yard. 

Taking care of minor sprinkler repairs as soon as you notice them will help keep your plants in good condition. They’ll get the water they need when they need it without getting overwatered or having to deal with overly wet soil.

Your Property’s Value Will Go Down
Your home’s landscaping does a lot for your property value. When it looks great, your property will be worth more and will be more likely to attract qualified buyers. When it’s not growing well, your property won’t stand out and you’ll find it harder to command the same high asking price should you try to sell.

Fixing minor repair issues quickly is the best way to preserve your home’s property value. Your plants will look nicer and you’ll have something that other homes in the area may not be able to offer prospective buyers: a functioning state-of-the-art sprinkler system. 

If you leave even minor issues unrepaired, it’s only a matter of time before they start causing major problems for the rest your system and your yard. 

Keeps You In Good Standing with the HOA
If you have a homeowners association, you know that they often have strict requirements and rules about how your front yard can look at any given time. Leaving your sprinkler system unfixed can end up earning you fines and citations in a matter of days. 

Worse, those fines can increase over time and if you wait to get your system fixed too long, you could end up spending hundreds of dollars that you normally wouldn’t just to satisfy the HOA. Taking care of the repairs quickly will help you stay on your HOA’s good side. 

Schedule a Repair Appointment Now
If you think that your home’s sprinkler system is damaged or notice that your water bill is creeping up for no reason, don’t wait. Contact us to schedule an inspection and let our team get your sprinkler system back up and running like new. We’ll make sure your yard will look its best at all times. 

5 Fantastic Types of Grass for Denver Lawns According to Your Trusted Sprinkler Installation Pros

May 19, 2020

5 Fantastic Types of Grass for Denver Lawns According to Your Trusted Sprinkler Installation Pros
Before you can rely on your Denver sprinkler system to do its job well, you need to make sure you have the right grass for your property and your home’s aesthetic. Believe it or not, there are many different types of grasses that work perfectly for most homeowners, but finding the best option for your property with so many choices available can be challenging at best. Here are some of the most popular and easy-to-grow grass types that work great in the Denver climate and benefit most from high-quality sprinkler systems.

Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky bluegrass is what most people think of when they imagine having a lush and beautifully green lawn. It grows quickly and doesn’t require a lot of care and attention to keep the blades looking great. It’s one of the hardiest varieties out there meaning it grows well during the full growing season, often starting to show color early in the spring and lasting well into the late fall. 

The grass goes dormant during the winter, but typically comes back just as strongly once the weather starts to warm up. Since it grows quickly, it’s easy to repair any bare patches throughout the year. However, it’s not without its maintenance needs. You’ll want to aerate your Kentucky bluegrass lawn at least once a year and may need to remove the thatch buildup throughout the growing season. 

It also needs regular mowing as it will grow quickly with regular watering sessions. This could leave you spending more time maintaining your lawn during the summer than you may like. That said, the payoff is a lawn that can easily withstand drought conditions without suffering extensive damage.

Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass is incredibly durable and comfortable making it a great option for homeowners that use their lawn to keep the kids entertained and active. The grass doesn’t crush easily underfoot and can stand up to frequent wear and tear common with lawn games and activities. The blades are particularly robust and won’t turn brown if kids and animals spend more time on the lawn than they do inside. 

Though it’s incredibly durable under heavy foot traffic, it’s not the most ideal for homes with pest problems or lawns in areas with frequent plant disease outbreaks. The blades can and will get damaged by mold, mildew, and insects but as long as you stay on top of regular maintenance and contact a landscaping professional as soon as you see early signs of damage, the grass will thrive.

The grass isn’t incredibly fast growing, so you shouldn’t have to spend too much time mowing it over the weekends. Since you’re not mowing it all the time, you won’t have the same amount of thatch buildup that you would with Kentucky bluegrass, saving you time on regular maintenance tasks.

Fine Fescue
If you’re lucky enough to have tall shade trees in your yard, you know that certain varieties of grass just won’t grow well beneath the trees. This doesn’t mean you have to settle for bare patches in your lawn. You just need to choose the right type of grass. Fine fescue is the best choice.

It naturally thrives in high shade environments and doesn’t need carefully prepared soil to take root. Most homeowners with sandy yards or otherwise poor soil conditions find fine fescue grass easy to grow and maintain. 

Keep in mind that fine fescue will need some regular maintenance. You’ll want to be mindful of underperforming areas and establish a consistent watering schedule to make sure it grows properly. However, since it does well in shade, it’s not very fast-growing, meaning you won’t have to mow as frequently. 

Tall Fescue
Like fine fescue, tall fescue does well in yards with partial or even full shade. Once the grass is established, the roots spread up to four feet deep in the soil, helping retrieve nutrients from the dirt without forcing you to fertilize or treat the lawn. Even better, the long roots help hold the soil in place, making tall fescue ideal for homes and landscapes that struggle to manage erosion. With the roots in place, you won’t have to worry about losing half your landscaping after a heavy rainstorm. 

Like fine fescue, this grass does well in different soil conditions and can grow properly for years without intense maintenance. Even better, it will continue to grow well during the spring and late fall months, giving your yard more color and personality for longer. 

However, the soil does need to have proper drainage. If it stays too damp or wet for too long, it will cause the roots to mold, leaving you with an underperforming lawn. To keep tall fescue in good condition, you will need to monitor the lawn for patchy spots and spread more seed to fill those areas in.

Buffalo Grass
Buffalo grass isn’t ideal for every home in the Denver area. This is because it typically does better in lower elevation areas. If your home is below 6,500 feet in elevation, which most of the metro area is, buffalo grass can do incredibly well. Its thick blades give a beautiful texture and color to any home, but they’re not ideal for high-traffic areas. Too much activity will crush the blades and leave you with an underperforming lawn.

If you’re considering planting buffalo grass on your property, try to incorporate it into a side yard or a part of your landscape design that doesn’t see much use. This way, you’ll be able to enjoy the color it provides without having to constantly maintain it or repair damage.

The Right Grass Needs the Right Sprinkler System
Once you find the right type of grass for your home’s lawn, you’ll need a way to keep it properly hydrated throughout the year. Save yourself the headache of hauling heavy hoses or watering the lawn by hand. Contact our team to schedule an estimate and see for yourself just how easy maintaining a yard with an automatic sprinkler system can be. We’ll help you find the right system for your home and your budget.

Denver Sprinkler Experts Share How to De-Winterize Your Sprinkler System This Spring

May 1, 2020

Denver Sprinkler Experts Share How to De-Winterize Your Sprinkler System This Spring
It’s normal to get snow well into May in the Denver area. Some years, there might even be a surprise snowfall into the first few weeks of June. This means you might not quite be ready to start using your Denver sprinkler system at your home. If you did the right thing and winterized your system, you’ll be in good shape for those next few freezing nights. However, once the weather warms up, you’ll want to de-winterize your system so you can start using it immediately. Here’s what you need to do to get your home’s sprinkler system ready for the warmer weather.

Take a Walk Around Your Yard
Before you can really assess the condition of your sprinkler system, you need to take a look at the rest of your yard. Make sure the sprinkler heads are uncovered and remove any leaves or debris that might interfere with their ability to pop up when you turn the system on. 

If you’re not sure where your sprinkler heads are, look for low-lying areas in your yard. Those depressions are often the locations for your sprinkler system heads. Use a thick pair of gardening gloves or leather gloves to remove any debris from around the sprinkler heads. You’ll also want to do this throughout the growing season to give your yard the best chance to produce the growth you love. Keeping those areas clear will help keep your sprinkler system running smoothly and efficiently throughout the warmer months. 

Look at Drainage Areas
When Denver does get rain, all that water may not be able to soak into the soil fast enough. When this happens, you need to make sure there’s a designated place for that excess to go. Otherwise, you risk oversaturating your grass which can lead to mold growth in the soil. Once there’s mold, your grass and the rest of your landscaping won’t be able to grow well.

Find the designated drainage areas in your yard. These may be gravel spots that lead runoff away from your house or French drains in the lawn itself. Inspect those areas thoroughly. If you see buildup of debris and plant matter in those spots, clear it away completely. You need the drainage areas to be clear before you turn your sprinkler system on in the spring. If you notice any damage around those spots, contact your landscaping specialist and let them repair the damage as soon as possible.

Take a Look at the Weather
Sprinkler systems get winterized for a reason: the water lines running underground can freeze and burst. The repairs are costly and can derail your springtime landscaping goals entirely. The best thing to do before you turn your system on and de-winterize for good is to check the weather for the next few weeks.

Ideally, the lows should all be above freezing for the foreseeable future. If you see temperature drops predicted in the forecast, consider waiting another week or two to turn your system on. Keep in mind that light freezes shouldn’t be enough to hurt your system. But if the temps drop low enough and the ground starts to freeze again, you could have a serious problem on your hands. 

Check the Visible Components 
You never know what types of damage might pop up over the winter months. When you’re spending as much time inside as you can, it’s normal to not pay attention to possible damage when it first happens. That’s why you should take the time to inspect the visual components of your sprinkler system as thoroughly as possible.

Check the exterior pipes and fixtures for cracks and corrosion. Look at the main water line access point and make sure there aren’t any visible leaks. If you notice anything that looks unusual or feel that your system might have underlying issues, get them repaired as soon as possible. The sooner you get them fixed, the less likely the damage is to spread. Remember, running your sprinkler system with damaged water lines and components can result in more costly and extensive damage. 

Consider a Tune-Up
Sprinkler systems are meant to get used. This is what helps keep the components working and properly lubricated year-round. However, sitting idle during the winter months can cause a bit of wear and tear to your system. While the wear and tear likely won’t be bad enough to cause serious problems during the spring and summer, it can shorten the life of your sprinkler system by several years if allowed to get worse.

Instead of taking chances, schedule a tune-up with your sprinkler repair team. They’ll be able to make sure each component is in good condition and ready to provide your landscaping with the water it needs when you turn it on. As an added bonus, they’ll be able to spot minor repair issues and fix them before they have a chance to do serious and long-term damage to your system. 

Turn It On
Once you’ve done your due diligence and made sure your sprinkler system is ready, turn it on. Let it run through a full cycle and make sure the spray is landing where you want it to. If it’s not, let your sprinkler repair technician adjust the heads for you. Pay attention to the way the system sounds. If you notice anything that sounds off or see that a head is sticking, get it repaired before you start your springtime landscaping projects. 

Sprinkler systems are the best way to water your lawn reliably and thoroughly during the warmer months, but they need a little TLC to work properly for years to come. Follow these steps and get your system ready for the growing season once the temperatures start to rise.

If you notice anything wrong or just want a pro to take a look at your system to make sure it’s ready to go, don’t wait. Reach out to Water Solutions Sprinkler Service and let our experts inspect, tune-up, or repair your system as needed. We’re here to help you keep your grass growing strong month after month.

Summer Gardening Tips to Get Your Kids Actively Involved

April 3, 2020

Summer Gardening Tips to Get Your Kids Actively Involved
Summer will be here before you know it and while this means you’ll want to rely on your Denver sprinkler system to keep your lawn in good condition, it also means your kids will be out of school. If you’re like most parents, you’re already worrying about finding ways to keep them entertained without letting them spend hours in front of the television or computer. Gardening is one of the best ways to get your kids outdoors while also helping them develop new skills that they can use throughout the rest of their lives. Getting them on board can be a bit of a challenge. Here are a few simple tips to help you get them excited and encourage them to spend more time playing in the dirt.

Give Them a Garden of Their Own
The best way to get kids involved in gardening and landscaping is to let them have a place to explore the hobby on their own. Find a spot in your yard and build a kid-friendly garden where they can work without damaging your other plants. If you’re not sure where to start, see if any parts of your current garden bed would work for the project. If you’re not using the full space, consider giving your kids a small part of the space. If you have plans for those garden beds, build a spot in your yard just for them.

Build a garden box to help contain the dirt and place it in a sunny spot in your yard. Once you pick a spot, fill the garden box with high-quality gardening soil. Just make sure that the box is low enough that kids can work in it comfortably. Built-up beds are great for teens and adults, but might be too tall for small children.

Show Them the Ropes
Remember, your kids may have watched you work in your garden, but that doesn’t mean they know what to do in theirs. Show them what they need to do to give their plants the care and attention they need to thrive. 

Just remember that they may not do things the way you would. That’s okay. This is a learning experience for them and they can learn from the mistakes they make. Show them how to turn the soil so it’s loose enough to hold moisture without stifling the roots. Talk about how to space plants out so they don’t get overly crowded, and let them ask questions, no matter how silly they might seem.

Let Your Kids Choose Their Plants
The easiest way to keep kids interested in their garden is to let them choose the plants they put in the garden. Take them with you to a local garden center and let them pick out a few things. If they love flowers, let them pick a few species and colors. If they want to grow vegetables, encourage them to pick things they’ll enjoy eating.

When they feel like they got to pick the plants in their garden, it will be easier to get them to take care of those plants. Ultimately, it’s their responsibility to keep their garden thriving during the growing season. 

Give Them the Right Tools
You know which tools you need to care for your plants and garden throughout the growing season. Without those tools, those daily tasks will be much harder. The same holds true for your children. They need the right types of equipment to help them plant and care for their garden. 

Unfortunately, most standard gardening tools are too large for younger kids to use comfortably. Instead of trying to get them to wield things that are too heavy or too large for their hands, invest in child-friendly gardening tools. 

Find shovels, trowels, and gloves designed to fit small hands comfortably. This will give them more control over their actions and helps them better care for their plants every day. As they grow, they’ll be able to use full-sized tools correctly after developing the right technique with tools that fit them when they were small. 

Create a Task List or Calendar
No matter how much your kids love their garden, they’ll need to remember what to do every day to keep their plants growing well. Start by going over the tasks they’ll need to take care of every day to give their plants the care they need. Explain what’s expected of them and have a plan to supervise them as they take care of their garden. This way, you’ll be able to help them experience a successful first growing season.

Once you have those responsibilities in place, write them down. Give your kids a task calendar that they can follow to make sure they take care of everything in a timely manner. Put the calendar somewhere that’s visible to them whenever they need to double check something. The refrigerator or their bedroom door at eye-level is a great place to hang it. As they fulfill those tasks, consider rewarding them with a sticker to reinforce their behaviors.

Be Patient
Remember, it’s normal for kids to have all sorts of questions about their plants and the tasks they have to take care of every day. Try to answer them to the best of your ability and be patient if you have to explain things more than once. If possible, let them shadow you while you work in your garden and maintain the rest of the yard. They can learn by watching just as easily as they learn by doing. By the end of the summer, you may end up with at least one helper who can take the stress out of maintaining and caring for your landscaping!

Get Your Yard Ready for Summer Now
Before you and your kids start getting your hands dirty, give your yard a little TLC. Weed your garden beds, inspect your lawn for underperforming growth, and make sure your sprinkler system is ready for the heat. Contact our team to schedule a sprinkler system tune-up so you can keep your lawn looking great throughout the summer months. 

7 Tips to Help You Maintain Your Denver Sprinkler System Year-Round

March 5, 2020

7 Tips to Help You Maintain Your Denver Sprinkler System Year-Round
Having an automatic sprinkler system in your yard makes it easy to keep your grass and landscaping looking great during the warmer months. It works whether you’re home or on vacation and can supply a reliable and steady amount of water for your lawn to thrive, even during dry spells. If you’re like most homeowners, you likely run your sprinkler system several times each week during the spring and summer. All that use means you’ll need to take a few extra steps to maintain your system and keep you from having to schedule unexpected Denver sprinkler repair appointments. Don’t worry—it’s easier than you think. Here are a few simple tips to help you maintain your sprinkler system.

1. Pay Attention to the Seasons
Your landscaping will need different amounts of water depending on the season. Pay attention to what’s going on outside when you set your watering schedule and make adjustments as needed. For example, if it’s cloudy for most of the week or raining in the afternoons, you may be able to turn the system off entirely. The less frequently the system has to run, the less wear and tear it will see. This can help you keep your sprinklers in better shape and extend the life of the components significantly. 

That said, don’t avoid using your system when you need it just because you’re trying to put off a professional tune-up. If it’s sunny and your grass keeps drying out, program the system accordingly.

2. Watch for Leaks and Signs of Damage
You know your sprinkler system and know what it’s supposed to look like when it’s running and when it’s not. Every week, take a walk around the yard and look for signs of leaks and other damage. If there’s something wrong with the system, you’ll likely see puddles around the yard even when the system hasn’t watered your yard or see sprinkler heads poking up out of the grass when the system’s off. If you see anything that looks out of place, call your sprinkler repair team immediately. The sooner it’s fixed, the better off the system will be.

3. Install a Rain Sensor Now
Most modern systems have rain sensors installed from the very beginning. But older sprinkler systems may not have this feature. If your system doesn’t automatically shut off during rainstorms, invest in a rain sensor as soon as possible. The sensor lets the sprinkler system controller know when the grass is getting enough moisture naturally and triggers the system to pause its regular cycle. This helps keep your grass in better shape but it also reduces unnecessary wear and tear on your sprinkler heads. 

4. Check for Blockages
Have you ever looked outside when your sprinkler system is running only to notice that a portion of your yard isn’t getting watered or the spray pattern just doesn’t look “right?” Instead of ignoring those issues until your next tune-up, investigate. Check the sprinkler heads for blockages and if you see any dirt or grass clippings blocking the spray head, clear it away. For stubborn grime, all you need is a damp paper towel and a bit of elbow grease. This should fix the problem and reduces the risk of breaking your sprinkler heads over the course of the growing season.

5. Be Mindful of Spray Patterns
When a sprinkler system is working properly, the spray should be even and consistent. After a few cycles, you’ll get to know what it’s supposed to look like. But if you notice that the spray isn’t going where it’s supposed to or looks like it’s misting off before it can reach the grass, you may need to adjust the sprinkler head positions. And if you notice the spray hitting your house or your driveway instead of the landscaping, you’ll definitely want to make the adjustments as soon as possible. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, don’t panic. Make an appointment with your repair tech and let them make the necessary adjustments for you.

6. Stay on Top of Tune-Ups
No matter how much or how little you use your sprinkler system, you need to get the system tuned up at least once a year. During the tune-up, your sprinkler repair expert will inspect the full system for any signs of wear and tear or damage. They’ll run the heads through cycles to make sure they’re positioned properly and respond correctly to the timer’s programming. If they spot any issues or damage, they’ll be able to fix the problems quickly. This helps keep your system in good condition for years to come and ensures that you always have a reliable way to water your yard without forcing you to water it by hand.

7. Always Get Your System Ready for Winter
In Denver, we get some crazy weather and when the temps drop, it’s always important to pay attention to your sprinkler system. The lines running under the soil contain water. When the temperatures drop below freezing, the water inside those lines can freeze. As the water freezes, it expands inside the lines, putting pressure against the tubing and, in some cases, causing cracks or ruptures in the pipes. After the growing season ends and before the first hard freeze, schedule a winterizing appointment. 

During these appointments, your technician will use a high-pressure air compressor to blow out the water remaining in the lines. Any moisture left inside the system will be too small to do any damage, even if temps drop well below freezing.

Keeping Your Sprinklers in Good Shape Can Be Easy
As long as you follow these simple tips, you’ll be able to keep your Denver sprinkler system in good condition for many years to come. But if you notice anything that’s not working correctly or just want an experienced professional to take a look at your system’s overall efficiency, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment and let our team help you keep your sprinklers working flawlessly. We’ll help you keep your sprinkler system in good condition no matter how often you use it.