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5 Landscaping Trends in Denver
December 21, 2016

Winter will be over before we know it and Spring will be in full swing, which is a great time to change your landscape design in Denver! From your front lawn to your backyard patio—make sure you are ready for the season of outdoor barbeques and parties  or rest and relaxation! Here are five of the latest trends for Spring 2017.
Horizontal Stripes
Sleek and simple horizontal stripes are in when it comes to fencing. People are choosing a modern look and expanding their comfort zone from the traditional vertical fencing and choosing something a little more modern with style. There are many different types of constructions available from wood to metal (that is available in a variety of colors). Dark fencing pairs especially well with lighter pavers and can really make a yard pop with green grass and colorful plants. But the horizontal doesn’t stop at fencing. It’s been chosen for garden patterns and even walkways throughout the yard. Â
Speaking of a variety of fencing colors, the trend is moving towards darker colors as opposed to standard white and brown fencing. More and more homeowners and landlords are choosing or painting fencing to colors like grey, dark green, etc. Dark is not necessarily the tone for the plants and flowers in gardens though. Homeowners are choosing vibrant colors that pop, which coordinate well with dark fencing. Purples, pinks, blues—all and more in vibrant and popping shades are becoming more and more popular.
Sustainable Yards
When it comes to Denver landscaping, homeowners are more and more interested in incorporating a sustainable design. So instead of traditional methods for rain barrels, buckets and beyond, they are incorporating modern styles that match the home’s décor. Also, there is also an expanding interest in growing food right there in your backyard. Growing your own fruits and veggies is extremely rewarding and fun. Learn more about tips for a healthy yard and environment.
Instead of traditional monoculture, which is cultivating a crop in one area, there is growing interest to fill a landscape with something that looks more natural as you may find in a forest, etc.
Fire Pits and More
Fire pits have been gaining popularity in landscape design in Denver for some time now. They are the perfect complement to landscape design and are especially great for entertaining. Plus, they can be used all year long. Pair a great walkway with a new fire pit and you have a totally new reason to spend time in your backyard! Outdoor fireplaces are gaining in popularity as well. They expand living space and can really dress up a landscape—especially at night!
When it comes to the latest landscaping trends, you can count on us at Water Solutions Sprinkler Service to make sure you are ready for Spring. Whether you are interested in a complete overhaul in your current arrangement or making a few changes to your setup, we are here every step of the way. We can also help with sprinkler services to make sure your beautiful landscaping remains colorful this spring and summer! Give us a call at 720-435-1495 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.