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Caring for Your Newly Over-seeded Denver Lawn

April 19, 2016

So you went ahead and over-seeded your Denver lawn for spring, but now you are wondering what to do next. Renovating the home lawn with over-seeding to thicken thin turf and/or to introduce better-adapted turf grass seed varieties is a common spring chore. For those of you who haven't undertaken this task for spring: Over-seeding a lawn is just what it sounds like; it’s spreading new grass seed on top of the existing lawn – usually after aerating. Here at Water Solution Services in Denver, we are ready to remedy your lawn needs to get you off to a good start toward that lush summer lawn you hope to see in a few weeks.

Most over-seeding, or reseeding, is done only in strategic areas and not over the whole lawn. You probably concentrated your efforts on the bare patches in the backyard where the kids play, as well as the grass in those shaded sections of your property. If you take an active role in helping your grass grow now, it can later turn into that healthy, lush lawn that you've been dreaming of.

Begin watering right after you over-seed, and water one to two times per day until the new grass grows to mowing height. Keep the top ¼ inch of soil moist so that the seeds stay moist. Make sure to water the entire over-seeded area thoroughly each time. The seeds should be kept moist until the grass seedlings peek out from the aeration holes. This could happen up to 20 days after over-seeding, depending on the soil’s temperature, the type of grass seed your are using, and your watering schedule.

Weed Control
You will probably see weeds sprout up along with the new grass in the areas you reseeded, but the best way – at this point – to keep them under control is with healthy, dense turf rather than with herbicides. Stay away from any type of weed control until the new grass has been mowed four or five times, because weed control can cause the seeds to germinate improperly. If you’re worried about weeds taking over, don't worry; your Denver Water Solution specialists are here to help you manage weeds.

Patience is a virtue when it comes to caring for your over-seeded lawn. To help your new yard flourish, you’ll want to limit activity for the first two to four weeks. Your seedlings need time to acclimate and set roots, so staying off the lawn will help your new seedlings grow faster. The first mowing of over-seeded areas should begin when the grass leaves reach a height of 3 to 3.5 inches. In seeded areas, water lightly prior to mowing to keep seeds down during the mowing.

Your go-to Denver service experts on over-seeding and lawn renovation are the experienced staff at Water Solutions Services, because not only do we install sprinklers, we have a staff that includes landscapers as well as other professionals that specialize in yard maintenance and renovation. You can rest assured that we always have an interest in delivering our best to you. We offer free estimates for stress-free lawn maintenance in Denver. Call us today at (720) 435-1495 for your free estimate.