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The Importance of Denver Winter Lawn Care

During the winter months, it’s easy to neglect the yard long periods of time. However, it’s important to remember that extended dry periods during the winter can cause injury or even death to parts of plant root systems. In fact, caring for your lawn in the winter months is one of the best things you can do to ensure a healthy growing season in the spring and summer. Once a plant is weakened, it becomes more susceptible to disease, so it’s important to follow these guidelines to ensure your grass stays healthy all year round:Â
Keep your lawn well fed
The majority of lawns in Colorado are made up of bluegrass or Bermuda grasses. These grasses are seasonal and the best time to fertilize these species is in early winter. Nutrients from the fertilizer can be lost during the hot summer weather, but once the temperatures turn cold the fertilizer will stay in your soil and feed your lawn all season. This is the best way to ensure your lawn will be healthy and beautiful come springtime.
Adjust your blades
It’s easy to let your grass sit all winter, but gradually cutting your grass shorter as the winter months approach is important for a number of reasons. Did you know that grass can go into shock if you cut it shorter than normal all at once? To prevent this, slowly lower the cutting base of your lawn mower. Also cut your grass as short as possible in preparation for winter to protect any new growth that is in its most fragile state. Grass that is too long also runs the risk of smothering itself under the weight of the snow, which can cause damage and disease to spread. Finally, if your grass is too long it can provide field mice and other burrowing animals the perfect place to build a nest for the winter. This often results in large dead spots by the time warm weather returns.
Keep it clear
When it gets colder, you will spend less time outside and stray objects are more likely to be accidentally left out on the lawn during winter. If these objects are left and covered with snow it can result in unsightly dead spots. To make sure your grass doesn’t get smothered during winter, remove any toys, wood, furniture, and other objects. You will also want to thoroughly rake any leaves off of your lawn.
Stay on designated path
While grass is normally quite resilient, when it is short and brown it can be worn down more easily than usual. To prevent footpaths from damaging your lawn during winter, be sure to keep your sidewalks cleared and never allow any vehicles to park on the grass.
Winter watering
Just because winter is here doesn’t mean you should stop watering your lawn. It’s vital to keep your grass and plants happy and healthy all winter. Water your lawn only when the temperature is above 40 degrees with no snow cover and during the middle of the day so it will have time to soak in and doesn’t freeze at night.   Watering deeply once or twice a month is recommended for grass when there are extended dry periods without snow cover.
Did you know that Water Solutions does sprinkler installation Denver residents find most beneficial, all year round? Consider getting your system installed this winter to avoid the rush in the spring! Call Water Solutions today to ensure your lawn stays happy and healthy for all seasons!Â