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Spring Checklist for Landscaping and Sprinklers in Denver

February 28, 2018

Spring kicks off on March 20, and while we are a few months away, it’s never too early to start making preparations. Your landscaping is such an investment and value to your home, so it is best to treat it with care to ensure it flourishes during the warmer months. Use this spring checklist for all of your landscaping needs, and what you need to consider when it comes to sprinklers in Denver.


As one of the top tasks you will do this spring, pruning is the process of cutting off any dying, dead or overgrown stems and branches of your trees and plants. During this process you will not need to do extensive work, just enough off any surfaces that need tended to. This will remove any infected areas that could lead to further damage on your trees and plants. Pruning is also one of your landscaping tasks that can be done either in the late winter or the first month of spring. To decide what you need to do, review the late winter and early spring pruning guide.


Did you struggle with pesky weeds in your garden or landscaping last year? Spraying a pre-emergent will help curb or solve this problem—saving you valuable time from having to pull weeds this summer. The ideal time to spray a pre-emergent is at the beginning of spring when just before or when your plants begin to bloom. This will penetrate within the surface, with a goal being to stop weeds from sprouting out of the ground altogether. When they don’t make it to the surface, that is less work for you!

Check Tools

The last thing you want this spring is to get out some of your go-to landscaping tools and machinery, only to find out they are malfunctioning or broken. While we are still in the winter months, make sure to inspect your tools and machines to ensure they are properly working. This will allow you to see what quality shape they are in, and make fixes as needed.

Clean Up Plant/Flower Beds

Even though you may have cleaned up your plant beds before winter, when spring rolls around, you will want to do the same to move out any debris that have fallen in the areas before you mulch. This includes a variety of tasks including removing leaves, pruning, seeding, and spraying your pre-emergent. You can also clean off any landscaping décor you have and do some re-arranging! Make sure you also are preparing spring mulching for your landscaping in Denver, CO.

When to Turn on Sprinklers

If you have sprinklers in your yard, be sure to make them a top priority before using them in the spring.  Make note that is best to wait until your area does not have freezing temperatures. This can lead to pipes bursting. Contact your local sprinkler service to ensure your sprinklers are in premier shape and to prepare them to use.

As you are making your spring landscaping plans, make sure to contact Water Solutions Sprinkler Service. We can assist with any help you need preparing for spring, including the inspection of your sprinklers. Don’t have sprinklers? There has never been a better time to install them! Call us today at 720-435-1495 to get an estimate.