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Four Myths About Denver Sprinkler Installations

August 9, 2017

Installing a sprinkler system for your landscaping is a definite investment, and it needs to be done properly by a professional. A properly functioning irrigation system will not only maintain your beautiful landscaping, it will preserve the life of your lawn. So much goes into a sprinkler system such as proper coverage, seasonal climates, and normal wear and tear. There are a lot of myths out there about sprinkler systems, so it’s important you know the truth from your Denver sprinkler experts!

Myth 1: Irrigation systems are overrated, a garden hose works just fine!

We recommend installing an irrigation system as it’s extremely cost effective to help your lawn. Certain sprinklers have sensors so they can monitor when your lawn needs watering, and how much water is needed. Sensors like these can save up to 20% on your water bill each month. Rotary heads spread heavy droplets of water so your lawn can really soak it up!

Myth 2: Watering at night encourages the growth of fungus

The best time to water your lawn is about an hour before sunrise. Fungus is caused by high humidity or over-watering, not necessarily the time of day you water. Watering at the perfect time and not midday when it’s very hot out helps with a loss of water due to evaporation. Watering before sunrise gives water an ample amount of time to soak into the ground, yet the blades of grass are damp for a shorter amount of time than at night, which prevents fungus from growing. Night air is damp which softens the soil so nutrients and water can soak in more easily. Learn more about the most effective time of day for lawn watering.

Myth 3: I don’t need to water my lawn if it just rained

At first glance, it’s easy to understand why some might think this myth is true. But, the fact of the matter is, during a rainstorm the water doesn’t necessarily get fully absorbed by the grass. Most of the rainwater becomes runoff or evaporates. Smart sensors help with determining the amount of water your lawn needs after a storm. Professionals, like us, will also help make sure your sprinkler system delivers the proper amount of water each and every time.

Myth 4: I need to water my lawn every day

If you water your lawn every day, the roots won’t be able to grow deep enough because they simply won’t have to. You want your lawn to have deep roots so it will last for years and years. If you ever have a problem in your sprinkler system or a drought comes about, your lawn won’t know what to do because it’s used to being watered every day. Be aware of the misconceptions for watering your lawn during a drought. Simply put, it won’t become resilient to normal inconveniences. It’s best to talk with us to determine the best strategy for your lawncare!

You can call these four myths, busted! At Water Solutions Company, we have over two decades of experience installing sprinklers in the Denver Metro area. You can trust that we will provide quality service and make you 100% happy. Give us a call today for a free estimate for sprinkler installation and other sprinkler and landscaping services in the Denver area!